Monday, March 11, 2013

So AdvoCare has become my daily lifestyle and yes there are pills but if you can swallow that big fat juicy cheeseburger you can take a few pills. AdvoCare has changed my lifestyle in so many ways for the better. Oh & I love, love my Spark! (Nutritionally- advanced energy, enhances mental focus, 21 vitamins). I have lost over 20 pounds since I have started with AdvoCare and its not all about losing weight. I take the vitamins on a daily basis & feel like I can move a mountain. Especially when i usually work 50 hours a week, i also have 3 kids, my husband & the everyday life. Please don't hesitate to ask me any question. I couldn't live without it and I know my AdvoCare friends feel the same way. Great opportunity for you, your family and to meet some awesome new people because I have and heard some awesome stories. Are you at the point were you don't know what to do? Give AdvoCare a chance. Message me today & or visit my Advocare website @ or feel free to email me @

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Big 5 1.  Start Gradual – This doesn’t mean only going once or twice a month, but it definitely doesn’t mean training every day.  This will inevitably lead to burnout and progress probably won’t come as quickly as you might think.  I know, I know, you’ve been watching The Biggest Loser on TV.  My feeling is those people are put into an abnormal situation and a large percentage will probably go back to where they started before or worse.  I still can’t believe they haven’t had a contestant hospitalized with some of the methods they use (the hate mail begins). 2.  Cover All Your Bases – Along those same lines, you must address every area of importance as it relates to your health and fitness goal(s).  This means addressing your weight training needs, cardiovascular (ESD) training and nutrition.  Many people that have made exercising a habit have only part of this equation.  This is the big reason why they’ve stagnated.  Get started with the right formula and you’ll be better off. 3.  Get Support – Not everyone can achieve his/her goals without having a good support structure.  This means having a supportive spouse, friend, colleague, etc. to help you along the way.  By the way, this doesn’t necessarily mean they give you advice on what to do – leave that to the Professionals. 4.  Be Consistent – Without doing anything with some kind of consistency, you’ll only get so far.  This is absolutely true with fitness.  We call it the SAID (Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands) principle.  If you don’t weight train regularly, for example, your body has no excuse to keep what you’ve worked so hard to produce.  5.  Get Help – This could be hiring a Personal Trainer, going to group fitness classes, bootcamps etc.  Having a professional to help you along the way has been shown to produce faster results and improve compliance.  Some research has shown a 30% increase in effort just by hiring a Coach – typically means faster results.  By the way, this was just having someone there to supervise the workout and not actually coach.  Imagine the type of progress with someone who coached you up and had great program design skills. Conclusion I hope this helps you get started on the right track to better health and performance.  Most New Year’s Resolution people quite shortly after starting and I don’t want that to be you.  Make fitness a permanent lifestyle change and you’ll continue to see the rewards.  Remember, you can trust Advocare check out, get more info & shop @ to offer the best in products for your health and fitness.

Friday, July 27, 2012

My success story

I am so thankful to have been introduced to AdvoCare! I am excited about AdvoCare products because of my personal results! I have dieted, maintained intense cardio and weight training workouts, used a variety of supplements,but none of it has been as fast and effective as my experience with AdvoCare products! AdvoCare has helped me to eat, live, and “be” healthy. Since being introduced to AdvoCare, I can say that I am the healthiest and strongest I have ever been! I was introduced to AdvoCare back in March during at a time when I felt I had rock bottom. A teacher at the school where my kids attend had mentioned Advocare & the 24 day challenge & I knew I had to try it. After the first 10 days, I lost six pounds and three and a half inches. Thanks to SPARK, I had the energy I needed to maintain my workouts while my body was being cleansed of toxins and impurities from the Herbal Cleanse. And thanks to Catalyst, my body was getting more lean and defined. When I completed the challenge, I had lost a total of 32 pounds and almost 15 inches. Seeing and believing in the products have led me to catch the vision of the AdvoCare Opportunity. I also have a 5year old little boy who  was getting in trouble at school because he couldnt sit still or stay focused & thanks to Spark he is a much better child & can actually stay on task. I have been able to see first hand how the company truly helps change lives by giving people solutions in two major life areas; health and finances.  I am excited to come along side an amazing company like AdvoCare and help people change their lives. I love being able to earn an income doing what I love! I won’t ever stop feeding and fueling my body with the exceptional nutrients AdvoCare products provide.  I am 26, a wife, a mommy to 3 awesome children and I have never been happier, healthier, more energized with the way I look and feel! Advocare has completely changed my families life. WE LOVE IT.
AdvoCare is a premier health and wellness company offering world-class energy, weight-loss, nutrition, and sports performance products along with a rewarding business opportunity.
“I have more energy, starting to feel more lean, tone, and defined, and I have NEVER felt better about myself! I can thank AdvoCare for that!”
How to loose weight & inches fast If you are looking for a way to jump start weight loss Is The Advocare 24day challange !  This program is broken up into two parts; the cleanse phase and the burn phase. The “cleanse” phase consists of a ten day Herbal Cleanse that literally scrubs your insides, improves your digestive system, and gets rid of all the toxins and impurities in your body. The beauty of AdvoCare’s cleanse is that you do not have to starve yourself or eat bizarre concoctions that zap all the energy out of your body and leave you exhausted and hungry!  Foods are consumed in the whole form and foods that aid in cleansing are encouraged.  Some of the AdvoCare products used in this phase are the Probiotic Restore Ultra, OmegaPlex (Omega-3 Fatty Acid), the Herbal Cleanse tablet and last but not least, SPARK!!! After your body has been rid of toxins and impurities, your system is then ready to accept and better absorb the high quality nutrients provided by the AdvoCare products used in the “burn” phase.  Using the Metabolic Nutrition System, MNS-MaxE, is the fuel that feeds your body all that it needs to lose weight, stay energized and most importantly, get and stay healthy!  Hear my story of how my life has been changed by AdvoCare! If you are interested in getting healthy, I can help!  You can order or even become a distributor for only $79.99
AdvoCare® is a 19 year-old world-class nutrition company specializing in health and wellness, weight management, vibrant energy and sports performance. Navigate through our site to learn more about our cutting-edge nutritional supplements and skincare as well as the opportunity to earn a full time income with a part time commitment by sharing AdvoCare products with others. Our products are formulated by an elite Scientific and Medical Advisory Board with over 200 plus years combined experience in pharmacology, toxicology, nutrition, sports performance and pediatrics. We have a multitude of product endorsers that includes professional athletes, champion amateur athletes, and acclaimed entertainers.